Exercise for beginners to lose weight at home

Exercise For Beginners To Lose Weight At Home

Have you decided to get in shape once and for all? Either to lose a few kilos or take care of yourself we congratulate you for having taken the first step. Creating a routine of exercises for beginners at home is relatively simple and we can adapt it to our physical conditions. Both women and men can start this exercise routine at home and get better results.

It is important to emphasize that if our goal is to exercise to lose weight or gain muscle we must accompany the training with a proper diet for each objective. if you don’t have any idea about exercise for beginners to lose weight at home you have good news. cause in this article we explain exercises for beginners to lose weight at home so that you can start to achieve your goal.

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The table of exercises for beginners to lose weight at home that we propose is separated mainly into two types of exercises:

1. Strength training exercises: The objective is to develop the muscles of different parts of the body to improve muscle mass and tone.

2. Cardio training exercise: The function of these exercises is to burn fat, lose weight, and improve the functioning of the heart and lungs. In this exercise routine for beginners, we will join both exercises in such a way that each day we will perform a type of training so that the muscle can rest and recover. Remember that working your muscles every day could be counterproductive. Our goal is to start doing exercises at home without damaging our bodies and obtaining realistic results. Let us begin!


We will begin the routine of exercises for beginners at home with a training that will help us to develop the muscular. This training will take place on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, as we have said there must be alternate days to rest our muscles.

Nothing better than to start the week with a good training session to feel active and energetic. These are the exercises for beginners that we will carry out:


It is a very simple and easy-to-perform exercise with which we can achieve better results. The muscles that we work with squats with the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. Depending on the separation of the feet we will work more on one part than another. We will do 3 sets of 10 repetitions, that is, 3 sets of 10 squats each, leaving half a minute of rest between each one. Remember to keep your back straight, do not bend your knees more than 90 degrees, and do not bring your knees together.


Another excellent exercise for beginners that we can do at home. Among the benefits of strides include the strengthening of the quadriceps and knee. To execute the strides correctly you must join the feet and take a step forward by bending both legs until the knee of the back leg is about to touch the dream. Both knees must form a 90-degree angle and you must change legs to strengthen both. Make 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.


Cardiovascular exercises will help us burn calories, lose weight, and improve other aspects of health such as reducing stress and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Intercalar this type of training will also be useful for the muscles to rest and recover from the session of the previous day, essential not to damage them.

Skipping the rope. Fit woman wearing red shorts and top skipping the rope at home in the morning

You do not need any rope or special material, but you have an adequate size to perform this exercise for beginners at home successfully. It is perfect to improve strength, balance, and endurance. The best thing is you do about 10 or 15 minutes to get the desired results.


If you want to exercise at home without getting bored, this option is perfect. Practicing Zumba to lose weight will help us burn calories, without forgetting that we should not overwork the muscles of the previous day. We can do about 10-25 minutes of moderate Zumba.



One of the most famous exercises at home. They are simple to make and there are different modalities. We can perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions, and in case you do not know this exercise in the following.


One of the most popular exercises to define abs today. We can perform 3 series and try to hold 20 seconds in each. You will see that it is more difficult than it seems at first sight, but if we practice it correctly we will improve our resistance quickly. In this post, we explain how to do crunches with iron.



It is an exercise for beginners at home very simple. As the name suggests, we must stand with our legs spread shoulder-width apart. We jump raising the knees towards the chest. Better not to do it after having eaten.


It is perhaps one of the most hated exercises at home but it is also very effective. In this exercise, we show you how to burpee correctly. We can choose to perform 5 sets of 2 or 3 repetitions each.



This exercise should be done with weights to be able to work the shoulders. The weight doesn’t need to be very high since we must remember that they are an exercise for beginners, so 2 kilos of dumbbells will be enough. You can perform side elevations, dumbbell rowing, lumbar, etc. We will carry out 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Remember to rest between each series. In this post, you can consult exercises for the shoulders without going to the gym.


With this exercise for beginners at home, we can develop the oblique and frontal muscles. This exercise consists of bending the knees at a 45-degree angle by raising them until the calves touch the floor. We must exert pressure on the lower back area against the mat while lifting the shoulder blades from the floor. We hold a stretched leg, raised 45 degrees from the ground, and keep the other leg with the knee flexed.

When we have achieved this position we rotate the torso incorporating it to the surface trying to get the opposite elbow to touch the knee. Finally, bend the leg that you have stretched while we stretch the bent while turning the torso to the opposite side.

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